The ward has faced a few weeks of emotional heartache as tragically, children have died as a result of their disease. Witnessing death is part of being a paediatric medical/psychosocial professional and even when you are brilliant at your job, the deaths of children never ever gets easier.
In the face of darkness, we endeavour to bring joy and make a small but meaningful difference in the lives of children being treated for cancer and the incredible people who care for them.
Celebrating small victories in the face of sadness:
Rainbows and Smiles was invited to be part of the bell ringing celebration. We watched 6 children swing on the rope – the motion causes the clapper to strike the inside of the bell rim as it swings, sounding the bell and symbolising the end of treatment. What it also does is remind us of the power of hope!
Our hearts were full and our batteries recharged. Treatment has been a success for these 6 children.
Rainbows and Smiles provided the lunch and juice! And on Nadia’s insistence loads of healthy fruit! 

We also delivered nappies, a nebuliser, Oil heaters, fan heaters (admin office), blankets, gloves, scarves and beanies, stationery and food vouchers.
Before leaving we refilled our mobile library with exciting new books and puzzles. The nurses encourage the children to keep the books they love.
Thank you to our supporters Knit-a-square HOT 102.7 FM Dis-Chem Pharmacies Foundation, Family Wealth Legacy, LLC, Care for Education, Chapter2, and our individual supports!
#rainbowsandsmiles #supportingkidzwithcancer #bellringing #celebration #GoldStrong