A little sunshine

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They handle their internal struggles with so much dignity and strength. Our oncology children, our medical professionals, the parents/caregivers and the cleaning stuff.

We are firm believers in the healing power of love and “normality”. The ordinary little things that we take for granted: a decent cup of coffee, yummy treats and the small comforts of home.

Rainbows and Smiles try our best to bring a little sunshine into the ward. We delivered gifts, cappuccino sachets and popcorn to the ward. The smell of freshly popped popcorn filled the ward corridors with a salty butter aroma. We listened to the moms chatting away and witnessed the nurses drawing blood, putting up drips and going about their day – all while entertaining the children and smiling after being on their feet all day long.

Thank you Taseem Joseph for accompanying us on today’s adventure, for dashing around, wrapping, sorting, carrying, laughing, hugging and just being an incredible volunteer. We appreciate you.

Thank you Filotimo Cancer Project, Care for Education and Colette Friedman for the generous donations.